Thursday, 19 April 2012

Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues

Almost selling it

Very loud man, around 50:
It's not so bad, you just keep your head down, keep yourself to yourself, you'll be alright
Almost silent captive audience:
Mmmmph, OK
Very loud man:
Yeah, jail's not so bad. Just keep quiet and you're OK

Why is he telling the other bloke this (and by extension the whole bus, on account of his foghorn voice)? Is the other bloke about to do time? At first I thought he was on about the number 14 bus journey itself.
His tone was casually boastful, and reassuringly matey at the same time.

Elton John - Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting (Yellow Brick Road 14...

Hello everyone!

Or one or two people more likely.
I'll be recording overheard conversations and fights and messy telephonic breakups and downs - all in the space of a 15 minute bus journey. Enough material for a soap mini series at the very least.

I'm talking about the number 14 from Liverpool city centre to Norris Green and beyond, but if anyone has scary or amusing encounters on number 14s (or indeed any other bus number) I'd be only too glad to read them. If it's perilous and/or funny, and you feel under threat or have to bite your lip to stop laughing riotously, I'd like to know about it...

Oh yeah, and I don't do written accents. You'll have to imagine those.

Where relevant I'll drop in the odd music video. It won't be a song I like necessarily, just relevant.